Benchmark Genetics Curacalco


About Benchmark Genetics Curacalco

Curacalco is located 380 km north of Puerto Varas, far and bio securely isolated from any other salmon farming units. It has circa 3.800 m3 tank capacity with a primary deep well water supply and double filtrated river water for backup.

Curacalco receives young fish from Ensenada for grow out and photoperiod stimulation for sexual maturation. The fish then undergoes several ultrasound procedures are carried out to identify the best quality broodstock for future egg production, while rejecting less optimal candidates, and those showing deformities or early maturation signs.

Benchmark Genetics Curacalco in numbers

  • 3.800 m3 tank capacity
  • 3 areas. Comphatch, fry and ongrowing
  • Individual water reuse system.
  • Well water 11°C available all year.