Benchmark Genetics Ensenada


About Benchmark Genetics Ensenada

Located close to the Llanquihue lake, at the base of Osorno volcano, Ensenada is Benchmark Genetics Chile’s spawning and incubation unit, and home to Benchmark’s cryopreservation lab in Chile. It is also where Benchmark’s own SagaChile strain families are produced and tagged.

Benchmark Genetics Ensenada has the capacity for incubation of 50.000.000 eggs, ca. 1.300 m3 water tanks, supplied with pristine and biosecure well water at 7.5°C.

Ensenada receives mature > 8,5 Kg animals from Curacalco for stripping and screening. Once these processes are covered, the eggs are fertilized, incubated and finally distributed to customers.

Benchmark Genetic Ensenada in numbers:

  • 1.300 m3 tank capacity
  • 200 family tanks
  • 50.000.000 incubation capacity
  • Cryopreservation laboratory