Gene Editing

Benchmark considers Genetic Editing (GE) to be a different technology to transgenesis

Regulators consider GE to be a genetic modification because of the resulting alterations that occur by non-natural methods. Benchmark anticipates that authorities will develop a constructive, regulatory system that permits the development and production of GE animals with improved health and welfare.

Benchmark Genetics does not use transgenesis or Gene Modification in its products. Please read our GMO statement

Benchmark’s overall focus is on sustainable breeding. This includes operating as an ethical and responsible company. The company sees GE as a tool for breeding livestock with improved health, animal welfare and performance. We research applications that do not form a risk to the genetic integrity of the individual, the population or the environment. Research in functional genomics, where Benchmark is in the forefront of its industry, will identify genes that affect health and welfare as GE targets.

Acting responsibly, as the guardians of our animals, we will develop strains capable of high performance in modern production systems. We will implement GE technology where it is socially and legally acceptable, and when it can be shown to improve the efficiency, health and welfare of our animals.

Please read more in our Gene Editing Position Statement.

Benchmark Genetics is an industry partner in a project led by Nofima. This new project aims to apply the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to assess why Pacific salmon species are less susceptible to sea lice than Atlantic salmon.

Read more about this project
