
As a customer of Benchmark Genetics, we would like to ensure you that we are aiming for the highest standards of operation and animal welfare, with a minimum impact on the environment.

Certifications are proof of our efforts and mean, that we have to comply with international standards and undergo regular audits. We are firm believers that the strict measures will lead to the continuous improvement of our procedures and a responsible mindset of our employees to the benefit of the animals in our custody and the quality of our genetic products.

Atlantic Salmon

The production of salmon ova at our sites as well as those of our license producers follows a set of standards related to quality, health, safety, and the environment. The baseline is to meet the requirements set by national and international regulators. The next level compromises our internal standards which are stricter and more comprehensive. The third level is certifications to meet the needs of our most demanding customers. These are Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBAL G.A.P.), European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB), ISO, and Organic (Debio/Tun) certifications. Besides, Benchmark Genetics Iceland is certified according to the RSPCA (Freedom Food) standard for export to the U.K.

ISO 9001:2015

An international standard for quality management used by organisations to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements and to demonstrate continuous improvements.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system and can be certified. It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.

Global G.A.P.

An international standard for food safety, environmental protection, fish welfare and health, as well as safety and welfare for the employees. A comprehensive standard that ensures that our production is carried out according to strictly defined criteria.


The abbreviation stands for “Good Practice for Responsible Farm Animal Breeding” and is developed as a code of good practice in animal breeding, including fish breeding, and reproduction. The certification ensures that the breeding work is conducted following recognised breeding professional and animal ethics principles.

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Certification for organic production differs from country to country. In Norway, organic food production is certified by DEBIO while in Iceland, the certification body is named TÚN.

Depending on the location of production, Benchmark Genetics is offering organic products based on one of these certification standards.


RSPCA Assured is an animal welfare standard that ensures good practice in the care and welfare of commercial farmed Atlantic salmon.  Salmon ova from Benchmark Genetics Iceland’s Salmon Hatchery – Hrognahús are RSPCA Assured certified.

GMO statement

Benchmark Genetics genetic materials are developed based on natural genetic variation. All of our products are non-GMO.

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Our customers require all genetics from our breeding programme to meet the SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) standard and that our sites are operated according to standards set by U.S. and Colombian regulators.

The facilities of our breeding nucleus in Colombia are registered with the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario I.C.A., and they are also certified as Biosecure facilities by the same entity.

At our multiplication centre in Fellsmere, U.S.A., the following certification standards are in place: Following the USDA APHIS criteria for establishing SPF, our disease-free status of the animals is documented by the PCR results of our surveillance program. USDA APHIS VS supervises it as the Competent Authority for aquatic animal health. We participate in the Commercial Aquaculture Health Program Standards (CAPHS) carried out by USDA APHIS, where samples are taken and tested every quarter by the USDA veterinarian.
